Book 6 Hands-On Projects

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook page.

Materials Needed

  1. Smartphone or Tablet: Needed to run AR applications.
  2. Augmented Reality Apps: Download the following apps on your device:
  3. Tinker Cad (Free) Download Here
  4. QuiverVision Color Pages (Requires payment): Printable coloring pages that come to life with AR. Download Here
  5. Coloring Supplies: Crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Order Here


In this activity, students will:

  • Learn how to use an Augmented Reality (AR) program to explore how AR works.
  • Practice creating objects using AR by visualizing them in 3D.
  • Engage in interactive learning to evaluate how AR might enhance learning science topics.


  • Discuss with your students the importance of becoming a creator of technology rather than just a consumer of technology. Technology is not just smart phones and computers, but any tool that is created to help us better understand or interact in the world around us.
  • Review Chapter 1 and discuss how technology shapes science and how science shapes technology.
  • Review the difference between independent and dependent Variables?
  • Independent Variable: This is the variable that you, the scientist, will change or control in the experiment. It's what you manipulate to see how it affects something else.
  • Dependent Variable: This is the variable that you measure or observe. It depends on the changes you make to the independent variable.
  • Discuss how creators of technology create new ways to vary, use, or determine both independent and dependent variables.

Part 1: Setting Up

Download and Install Apps:

  • Have students download the Tinkercad and Quiver Vision apps from the links provided.
  • Install them on your smartphone or tablet.

Print Coloring Pages:

  • Visit the Quiver Vision website and download some coloring pages. Print them out and get your coloring supplies ready for the students.

Part 2: Investigating and Using a 3D AR Program

Color The Page:

  • Have students take one of the Quiver Vision coloring pages you printed and color it using your preferred coloring supplies.

Open the Quiver Vision App:

  • Have students launch the app on your device and select the coloring page you have colored.

Scan The Drawing:

  • Instruct students to point their device's camera at the colored page and watch as it transforms into a 3D animated scene.

Explore and Interact:

  • Have students tap on different parts of the scene to interact and learn more about the science phenomena depicted.


  • Have students write down their observations as they explore the 3D models and animations. What did they learn? What surprised them? Do they think they could create this type of program?

Part 2: Creating with TinkerCad

Step 1: Sign Up and Log In

Visit TinkerCad's Website: Direct your students to go to TinkerCad.

Create an Account:

  • Instruct students to click on "Join Now" if they don't already have an account.
  • They can sign up using an email address or through their Google account for convenience.

Log In: Once they have created an account, remind them to log in with their credentials to access the platform.

Step 2: Start a New Project

Dashboard Overview:

  • After logging in, students will be taken to their TinkerCad dashboard.
  • Provide a brief overview of the dashboard, highlighting key features.

Create New Design:

  • Have students click on the "Create new design" button.
  • Inform them that this will open up the main workspace where they can start building their project.

Step 3: Design A 3D Model or Circuit

Choose Your Workspace:

  • 3D Design: Ensure students select the "3D Design" workspace if they're creating a 3D model.
  • Circuits: If working on an electronic project, instruct them to switch to the "Circuits" workspace.

Building A Model:

3D Design:

  • Guide students to drag and drop basic shapes (like boxes, cylinders, and spheres) from the right sidebar onto the workplane.
  • Encourage them to adjust the size, color, and position of these shapes and combine them to create their desired model.
  • Show them how to click and drag to select multiple shapes, then use the group function to combine them into a single object.


  • Instruct students to drag and drop components like resistors, LEDs, and batteries onto the workspace from the right sidebar.
  • Demonstrate using the wiring tool to connect components and create their circuit.
  • Have them click the "Start Simulation" button to test their circuit and see it in action.

Step 4: Save, Export, and Share

Saving The Project: Inform students that TinkerCad automatically saves their work as they go, but it's a good practice to manually click the "Save" button to ensure their project is saved.

Export Your Design:

  • 3D Models: Guide students to click on the "Export" button to download their design as an STL or OBJ file for 3D printing.
  • Circuits: Instruct them to click on "Download" to save their circuit design or export it to another format.

Share The Project: Show students how to use the "Share" button to get a link to their project. They can share this link with friends, teachers, or collaborators to showcase their work or get feedback.


  • Encourage students to look for patterns or interesting findings in their observations. How would using AR help them understand the science phenomena better?
  • Based on their observations, what can they conclude about the power of augmented reality in learning science?
  • Have students think about how AR technology can be used in other areas of education and everyday life. Encourage them to share their thoughts with classmates.

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook pages.

Materials List

  1. Red Cabbage Order Here
  2. Distilled Water Order Here
  3. Vinegar (Acid Control) Order Here
  4. Ammonia (Base Control) Order Here
  5. Coffee Filter Paper Order Here
  6. Eyedropper Order Here
  7. Jars or Small Containers Order Here


  • Observe that acids and bases have different properties that can be tested for using an indicator.
  • Use controls in an experiment to compare known outcomes with unknowns.


  • Review Chapter 3 and discuss acids and bases, how they are different and explain that acids and bases have unique properties that can be detected using indicators.
  • Engage students with open-ended questions to stimulate curiosity and critical thinking. Have students look up answers to questions they find interesting on the internet or in a library.
  • Examples

Ask Questions

Step 1: Write Down Questions

  • Have students write down their questions about acids and bases.
  • Examples: "Why do some liquids taste sour?" "How can we tell if something is an acid?"

Step 2: Improve the Questions

  • Guide students to refine their questions. Convert open-ended questions to closed-ended ones and vice versa.
  • Example: "Why do some liquids taste sour?" -> "Do all acids taste sour?"

Step 3: Prioritize the Questions

  • Ask students to review their list of questions and prioritize the ones they find most relevant for the experiment.

Step 4: Record Your Question

  • Have students write down their prioritized questions in their notebooks.

Test, Tinker, Try - Experiment

Part I: Preparing the Indicator

Prepare Red Cabbage Juice:

  • Cut a head of red cabbage into several pieces.
  • Boil 0.7 liters (3 cups) of distilled water, then add the cabbage pieces.
  • Boil until the water turns a deep purple color.
  • Remove the cabbage pieces and let the water cool.
  • Set aside 0.25 liters (1 cup) of the cabbage juice for the experiment and refrigerate the rest for future use.

Prepare pH Paper:

  • Cut 20 or more strips of coffee filter paper (about 2 cm x 4 cm).
  • Use an eyedropper to put several drops of cabbage juice on each strip and let them dry.

Part II: Setting Up Controls and Testing Solutions

Create Control Solutions:

  • Control Acid: Label a jar "Control Acid" and add 15 ml (1 tbsp.) of vinegar and 75 ml (5 tbsp.) of distilled water.
  • Control Base: Label a jar "Control Base" and add 15 ml (1 tbsp.) of ammonia and 75 ml (5 tbsp.) of distilled water.

Label Testing Jars:

  • Label jars for each solution to be tested and add 15 ml (1 tbsp.) of each substance with 30-75 ml (2-5 tbsp.) of distilled water.
  • Suggested items to test: water (neutral), Windex (basic), lemon juice (acidic), white grape juice (acidic).

Part III: Testing and Observations

Test Control Solutions:

  • Dip an unused strip of pH paper into each control solution.
  • Record the results and tape the pH papers into the Laboratory Notebook.
  • Expected Results: Vinegar should turn the paper pink (acid), and ammonia should turn it green (base).

Test Unknown Solutions:

  • Use the pH paper to test each unknown solution and record the results.

Observe and Record


  • Ensure students observe and write down their findings for each test.
  • Record the color changes and any other notable observations.

Analyze and Evaluate

Analyze Data:

  • Guide students to analyze patterns in their data.
  • Discuss how the control results help to interpret the unknowns.

Evaluate Findings:

  • Assist students in drawing conclusions based on their data.
  • Discuss any discrepancies and possible reasons for unexpected results.

Discuss Implications:

  • Talk about the real-world applications of understanding acids and bases.
  • Encourage students to think about how this knowledge is used in various fields, such as chemistry, medicine, and cooking.

Draw Conclusions:

  • Have students revisit their question and discuss if they were able to find an answer.
  • Guide students to summarize their findings in a clear and concise manner. They should explain how indicators can be used to determine chemical properties of matter.

Share Results:

  • Have students prepare presentations to share their findings with others. They can use visual aids such as charts and graphs to illustrate their data.
  • Encourage students to write a detailed report summarizing their experiment, including their research, question, hypothesis, methods, observations, data analysis, and conclusions.

Expand the Experiment : Experimenting with Natural Indicators

Testing Natural Materials:

  • Provide materials such as turmeric powder, poppyseed petals, cherries, and other colorful natural substances.
  • Have students test these materials with acids and bases to see if they act as indicators.

Record Results:

  • Have students crush or chop the materials, add them to small jars with acids and bases, and note any color changes.
  • Record observations in a chart to determine which materials can be used as pH indicators.

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook pages.



  • Students will analyze the process of acid-base neutralization by identifying and recording changes in the solution's color during the titration of vinegar with ammonia.
  • Students will evaluate the relationship between the amount of ammonia added and the resulting color change of the red cabbage indicator, interpreting the data to understand pH changes.
  • Students will create a graph to visually represent the titration data, connecting the dots to show the progression of color changes as ammonia is added, and presenting their findings in a scientific report.


Have students review Chapters 3 & 4 on acids and bases and acid-base neutralization. Discuss any questions the student may have an encourage them to research answers using the internet or library.

Review the use of indicators as substances that change color based on the pH of a solution. Red cabbage juice is a natural pH indicator that changes color from red in acidic conditions to green in basic conditions.

Have students research any of the following questions they find interesting:

  • What defines an acid and a base in terms of chemistry?
  • How do acids and bases interact on a molecular level?
  • How do different indicators work to show pH changes?
  • What are some other common indicators, and how do they compare to red cabbage juice?
  • How is titration used in industry and research?
  • What are some real-world scenarios where titration is essential (e.g., water quality testing, pharmaceuticals)?


  1. Ask Questions: Have students list questions they have about acids, bases, or acid-base reactions. Encourage them to ask both open-ended and closed-ended questions.
  2. Improve Questions:
  3. Prioritize Questions:

Examples of Student Questions:

  1. How does the addition of ammonia affect the pH of vinegar?
  2. Why does the color change occur when using a red cabbage indicator?
  3. At what point is the vinegar completely neutralized by ammonia?
  4. What other household substances can change the color of the red cabbage indicator?
  5. How can we measure the exact pH change?

Test, Tinker, Try: Conduct an Experiment

Step 1: Prepare the Indicator:

  • Prepare cabbage juice indicator used for the previous experiment if needed.

Step 2: Set Up the Experiment:

  • Have students measure 60 ml (1/4 cup) of vinegar and pour it into the large glass jar.
  • Have students add enough red cabbage indicator to achieve a deep red color.

Step 3: Titrate Ammonia:

  • Have students carefully measure 5 ml (1 tsp.) of household ammonia.
  • Have students add the ammonia to the vinegar solution, swirl gently, and record the color of the solution.
  • Have students repeat the addition of 5 ml of ammonia at a time, swirling after each addition, until the color transitions from red to green.
  • Have students continue adding a few more ml of ammonia to see how the color changes further.

Step 4: Record Data:

  • Have students create a table to document the amount of ammonia added and the corresponding color of the solution.

Analyze the Results

Plot the Data:

  • Have students create a graph with the horizontal axis labeled "Amount of Ammonia Added" and the vertical axis labeled "Color of Solution".
  • For every 5 ml of ammonia added, mark the corresponding color change on the graph.
  • Draw lines to connect the points, visually representing the color transition as more ammonia is added.


Have students write conclusions based on their observations. Encourage them to notice how when the solution transitions from red to green as ammonia is added, this indicates a change in pH. Also, the dramatic color change signifies the neutralization point, where the acid is completely neutralized by the base.

Share Your Results

  • Have students share their graph with others and explain the significance of the neutralization point.
  • Have students summarize their experiment, including the procedure, data, and conclusions and if this experiment helped them understand acid-base titrations and the role of indicators.

Click here to download a pdf with student notebook pages.


Student Microscope:

  • Accu-Scope EXM-150 Monocular Microscope:
  • This microscope is perfect for educational purposes, offering high-quality optics and user-friendly features that make it ideal for young students learning to use a microscope.
  • Product Link: Accu-Scope EXM-150 Monocular Microscope

Prepared Slides of Plant and Animal Cells:


  • Students will understand the basic parts and functions of a microscope.
  • Students will apply their knowledge by correctly setting up and focusing the microscope.
  • Students will analyze the differences between plant and animal cells by observing prepared slides.

Research Section

  • Have students review Chapter 7 on The Microscope. Discuss that a microscope is a scientific instrument used to magnify small objects, making them visible to the naked eye. Review the history of microscopes and modern microscope and how the invention and evolution of the microscope have paved the way for numerous scientific discoveries.
  • Extended Research Questions:
  • Who invented the microscope and how has it evolved over the years?
  • What are the different types of microscopes and their uses?
  • How do microscopes contribute to scientific discoveries and research?

Asking Questions

  • Have students ask questions about microscopes. Encourage both open-ended and closed-ended questions.
  • Guide students in categorizing their questions into open and closed questions.
  • Help students convert closed questions into open ones (e.g., "Can we see bacteria with a microscope?" to "What types of microorganisms can we observe using a microscope?").
  • Ask students to prioritize their top three questions that they are most curious about and pick their favorite question and write it in the student notebook pages.

Examples of Student Questions:

  1. What parts of the microscope are most important for focusing?
  2. How does the magnification of a microscope work?
  3. Can we see all types of cells using this microscope?
  4. What are the differences between plant and animal cells?
  5. How does adjusting the focus change what we see?

Experiment Procedure

Setting Up the Microscope:

  • Place the microscope on a flat, stable surface.
  • Plug in the microscope if it has a built-in light source.

Understanding the Parts:

  • Eyepiece: Look through to see the magnified image.
  • Objective Lenses: Typically, three or four lenses with different magnifications (e.g., 4x, 10x, 40x).
  • Stage: The platform where slides are placed.
  • Stage Clips: Hold the slide in place.
  • Focus Knobs: Coarse and fine adjustment knobs for focusing the image.
  • Light Source: Illuminates the slide from below.

Preparing the Microscope:

  • Start with the lowest magnification objective lens (4x).
  • Place a prepared slide of a plant cell on the stage and secure it with the stage clips.

Focusing the Microscope:

  • Look through the eyepiece and use the coarse adjustment knob to bring the slide into general focus.
  • Use the fine adjustment knob to sharpen the image.
  • Adjust the light source if necessary for better clarity.

Observing Plant Cells:

  • Observe and note the structures you can see (e.g., cell wall, chloroplasts).
  • Sketch the plant cell as you observe it.

Observing Animal Cells:

  • Replace the plant cell slide with a prepared slide of an animal cell.
  • Repeat the focusing steps.
  • Observe and note the structures you can see (e.g., cell membrane, nucleus).
  • Sketch the animal cell.

Comparing Observations:

  • Compare and contrast the structures observed in plant and animal cells.



  • Discuss the differences and similarities between plant and animal cells.
  • How did the microscope help in identifying these structures?

Q&A Session:

  • Answer the prioritized questions generated during the question session.
  • Encourage students to ask any additional questions they might have after the observation.


Reflect on the Experiment:

  • How did using the microscope enhance your understanding of cell structures?
  • What challenges did you face while focusing the microscope, and how did you overcome them?

Summarize Findings:

  • Summarize the key differences between plant and animal cells observed during the experiment.

Share Your Results


  • Students share their sketches and observations with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of microscopes in scientific research and everyday life.

Report Writing:

  • Write a brief report summarizing the experiment, including the procedure, observations, and conclusions.
  • Reflect on how this experiment helped you understand the microscopic world.

Click here to download a pdf with student notebook pages.


Ask Questions:

  • Have students spend time generating as many questions as they can about protozoa. Encourage both open-ended and closed-ended questions.

Examples of Student Questions:

  1. How do protists using cilia move compared to those using flagella?
  2. What different shapes can protists have?
  3. Do all protists move at the same speed?
  4. How do different protists capture and eat their food?
  5. How does the environment affect the movement of protists?

Improve Questions:

  • Guide students in categorizing their questions into open and closed questions.
  • Help students convert closed questions into open ones (e.g., "Can we see protists moving with cilia?" to "What are the different patterns of movement observed in protists using cilia?").

Prioritize Questions:

  • Have students choose the question they are most interested in exploring during this experiment and writing it in their student worksheet.

Test, Tinker, Try: Experiment

Part A: Observing Protists

Step 1: Setting Up the Microscope:

  • Place the microscope on a flat, stable surface.
  • Plug in the microscope if it has a built-in light source.

Step 2: Preparing the Slide:

  • Position a depression slide in the microscope.
  • Use an eyedropper to place a droplet of the protist sample on the slide.

Step 3: Adding Methyl Cellulose:

  • Add a droplet of methyl cellulose to the protist sample to slow down their movement.

Step 4: Observing Protists:

  • Euglena: Tends to move in a single direction or hover just under the light.
  • Paramecium: Moves all over the place, rolls, moves forward and backward, and spins. Observe its interactions with other objects.
  • Amoeba: Moves very slowly and is usually on the bottom of the container. Allow the container to sit for 30 minutes before sampling from the bottom.

Step 5: Drawing and Recording Observations:

  • Have students draw the protist they are observing and write down their observations.
  • Repeat the process for the remaining two protist samples using new eyedroppers for each sample.

Part B: Observing Protists in Pond Water

Repeat the Experiment:

  • This time, use pond water or water mixed with soil.
  • Place a droplet of fresh pond water on a slide and observe the protists.
  • Try to determine the types of protists based on their movement.
  • Compare these observations with those from Part A.

Analyze & Answer Question

Have students analyze their data. Did the protozoa behave as expected? Was it difficult or easy to see the protozoa move? Have the students review their question and determine if they were able to find the answer.

Share Results

  • Have students share sketches and observations with the class.
  • Have students discuss the importance of understanding protist behavior and movement.
  • Have students write a report summarizing the experiment, including objectives, hypotheses, procedures, observations, and conclusions.

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook pages.



  • Students explore the basic principles of a pendulum and how its period is defined.
  • Students construct pendulums of various lengths and measure the time for each to complete one full swing (period).
  • Students investigate the relationship between the length of a pendulum and its period.


Have students read Chapter 11, 12 and 13 on motion, linear motion and non-linear motion before starting the experiment. Have students research pendulums on the internet or in the library. Guide their research by asking them to define a pendulum, question the type of motion a pendulum has, and explore the factors like length and gravity that affect how a pendulum moves.

Ask Questions

Have students ask questions about pendulums that may come up during their research.

Examples of Student Questions:

  1. How does changing the length of the pendulum string affect its swing period?
  2. Does the weight of the pendulum bob influence the period?
  3. How accurate is the period measurement with different string lengths?
  4. Can we predict the period of a pendulum based on its length?
  5. What other factors might affect the period of a pendulum?

Encourage students to ask both open-ended and closed-ended questions and categorize them accordingly. Help students convert closed questions into open ones (e.g., "Does a longer string make the pendulum swing slower?" to "What is the relationship between the length of the string and the period of the pendulum?"). Have students discuss the types of answers they would find from an open-ended vs closed-ended question.

Have students pick their favorite question and write it in their student worksheet pages.

Test, Tinker, Try: Experiment

Step 1: Setting Up the Pendulum

Prepare the String:

  • Cut several pieces of string to different lengths (e.g., 20 cm, 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm, 100 cm).

Attach the Weight:

  • Tie a weight (such as a washer) to one end of each string.

Secure the Setup:

  • Secure the other end of the string to a stable support so it can swing freely without obstruction.

Step 2: Measuring the Period

Initial Timing:

  • Pull the pendulum to a small angle (less than 15 degrees) and release it without pushing.
  • Use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes for the pendulum to complete 10 full swings (back and forth).

Calculate the Period:

  • Divide the total time for 10 swings by 10 to get the period for one swing.

Repeat for Accuracy:

  • Repeat the measurement three times for each string length to ensure accuracy and record all observations.

Example Data Table:

String Length (cm)

Time for 10 Swings (s)

Period (s)

Average Period (s)


8.2, 8.3, 8.1




11.7, 11.5, 11.6




14.2, 14.4, 14.3




16.9, 17.0, 16.8




19.4, 19.6, 19.5



Analyze the Results

Graph the Data:

  • Have students plot a graph of the string length (x-axis) against the average period (y-axis).
  • Have students analyze the pattern and discuss the relationship.


  • Have students discuss how the length of the pendulum string affects the period.
  • Compare the experimental data to theoretical values using the formula: ( T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}} ), where ( T ) is the period, ( L ) is the length of the pendulum, and ( g ) is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.8 m/s²).

Questions for Analysis:

  1. How does the period change as the length of the string increases?
  2. Is the relationship between the length of the string and the period linear?
  3. Were there any discrepancies in the results? What could have caused them?


Summarize Findings:

  • Have students summarize how the length of the pendulum affects its period.
  • Have students mention any patterns observed and confirm if they align with theoretical predictions.

Reflect on the Experiment:

  • Have students discuss what was learned about the motion of pendulums.
  • Have students reflect on any challenges faced during the experiment and how they were overcome.

Share Your Results


  • Have students present their findings and graphs to the class.
  • Encourage them to explain the relationship between pendulum length and period in their own words.

Report Writing:

  • Have students write a report summarizing the experiment, including objectives, hypotheses, procedures, observations, and conclusions.
  • Have students reflect on the importance of understanding pendulum motion in real-life applications, such as clocks and scientific instruments.

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook pages.


  • Notebook
  • Computer with Internet

This is a citizen scientist project through the US Geological Survey (USGS). The USGS program allows students to actively participate in scientific research, helping to collect data and observe natural phenomena. It's a fantastic way for students to deepen their understanding of science while contributing to real-world research.

What is a Citizen Scientist?

A citizen scientist is someone who volunteers to assist professional scientists in gathering data and conducting research. This role is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or scientific background. All that's needed is a keen interest in learning and a passion for exploration.

Learning Objectives

  • Students gain hands-on experience that complements their classroom learning, reinforcing scientific principles and concepts.
  • Student participation stimulates curiosity and encourages students to ask questions, seek answers, and develop critical thinking skills.
  • Students' observations and data collection play a vital role in helping scientists understand and address various environmental challenges.
  • Students connect to nature as many projects involve outdoor activities, fostering a deeper appreciation for the natural world.


Step 1: Have your student explore the USGS Website:

Step 2: Have your student select a project:

Example projects include:

  • Volcano Watch: Monitor volcanic activity and report findings.
  • eBird: Help track bird species and their migration patterns.
  • FrogWatch USA: Record and identify frog and toad calls in your local area.
  • Did You Feel It? Report personal experiences during earthquakes.

Step 3: Have your student sign up and participate:

  • Each project page provides specific instructions on how to get involved, such as creating an account, downloading apps, or reading through guidelines.

Step 4: Have your student collect and submit data:

  • Encourage your students to gather data accurately and submit their findings through the provided platforms. Their contributions are invaluable to ongoing research.

Your Role

Tips for Successful Participation

Stay Engaged:

  • Regularly discuss the projects and encourage students to share their observations and experiences.

Accuracy Matters:

  • Emphasize the importance of precise data collection and reporting.

Join the Community:

  • Connect with other citizen scientists through online forums or local groups to share experiences and learn together.

Click here for a downloadable pdf with student notebook pages.