About our Products
Real Science-4-Kids Science Series: The Real Science-4-Kids Science series offers a structured and scaffolded approach to science education for young learners. This series has been used widely for its clarity and engaging content. Our new Science series is an update of our older Building Block series with a new design, updated content, and updated images for a clearer and more streamlined learning experience. When you purchase the textbook, you will also receive downloadable a student laboratory notebook, teacher's manual, quizzes, lesson plans and study folders at no additional cost.

Informational Text Readers Series: Our Informational Text Reader series is geared towards students in K-2 who are learning to read. This series provides an introduction to science vocabulary and scientific content that will enhance reading comprehension and literacy skills in younger students. Suited for diverse learners, these texts are clear, concise, and packed with essential information. Homeschool RATATAZ Kits: Unlike mass-produced products from larger companies, each of our kits is crafted with care in small batches, ensuring attention to detail and a personal touch in every box. We believe in the artisanal approach where quality trumps quantity. Our kits are designed to provide a more intimate and engaging learning experience that fosters a love for science and inquiry.
Our science kits are not toys and not just educational tools; they are adventures packed in a box. Each kit contains unique experiments informed by authentic science that you won't find in mainstream science kits.
RATATAZ kits put the science back into STEM education. We go beyond the typical maker space kits and focus on the five core subjects of science; chemistry, biology, physics, geology and astronomy. We expand your student's learning experience through discovery, exploration, creativity, research, investigation and design.